70 x 70 x 70

$70k for 70 years in 70 days to fill and build eight classrooms.

Goal: $70,000

why 70 years?

It’s been 70 years of Daniel Situka, the man who faithfully heard the Lord’s call and obediently followed despite persecution, incarceration, and even a death sentence. A life such as his deserves to be honored and commemorated for his service to the Lord’s global church, but especially in Uganda and Texas. 

why $70k?

$70K builds and fills our next school. We already have one building underway, but in order to best serve, prosper, and prepare our students for the kingdom building we know the Lord will use them for— we need more. It’s sheer divine humor that 70K aligns with the current lifespan of our founding member, Daniel Situka. We couldn’t have planned it better ourselves.



70 days from Daniel’s Birthday is our deadline. We know and trust that the Lord will move in ways seen and unseen to usher in the financial giving needed to fulfill this campaign. The question now is, what is your part in this story? 

Will you faithfully heed the call to give into the work and ministry of Sovereign Wings of Hope, Daniel Situka’s legacy? 

Will you faithfully share the call to those around you so they may join the work and ministry of Sovereign Wings of Hope?

Moreover, Will you pray that others come, others give, and other join the work and ministry of Sovereign Wings of Hope in whatever way the Lord sees fit to use them?