Ben & Michele DeBruler
After getting married in July of 2018, we have been enjoying the whirlwind that life has become. We are both very active at a church plant in Katy, named Haven. At Haven, we have been able to learn what it looks like to be servant leaders by wonderful friends and our church family. We feel blessed to be a part of the worship team (Michele running sound and Ben on drums) as well as Neighborhood Group leaders.
Over the last 5 years, we have become close friends with Jeremiah Situka, and have gotten to learn a lot about the diverse ministries SWOH facilitates and decided that we not only wanted to invest our money in SWOH, but our time and energy as well. We began planning with Jeremiah over a year ago to develop our vision for this project. We started with the question, “What would it look like for us to empower the people of Uganda to share and live out the Gospel?” From there, in faith, we determined our objectives for this project and trip.
SWOH seeks to minister to the people of Uganda whose primary forms of ministry are: hospice care in rural towns of Uganda, owning and operating a primary school, and more recently, hosting an annual pastor training conference.
We plan on leading this trip over a three week period from mid June to mid July, participating in each of these ministries which feel very personal and special to us.
After experiencing loved ones in hospice care here in the states, finding out that many sick in Uganda have been ostracized by their family and unable to get the care they need called directly to Ben’s heart. Both of the hospice out reach locations will be visited during our trip, where we feel called to be with those who are in need of care.
As a teacher, Michele feels specially called to the primary school. There are 700 children who attend this school, about 200 of which are orphans. Last year, SWOH was able to bless these children with sturdy shoes, some of whom these were their first pair. We will be visiting, playing with and loving on these children as we get to be a part of their lives while we are there.
The pastor’s conference is an amazing ministry that continues to grow at an astounding rate. We both feel called to be hospitable and welcome hundreds of men and women who are looking to receive the education they long for when considering the gospel. This conference is a ministry we deeply believe in because we believe in those who have written and who give the material, as we know their love for Christ and their hearts to make disciples of all nations.
Thank you in advance for your prayer and financial support. With your help, we believe the Lord is going to do amazing things through this trip.